Yeah bout that…..My Pinterest account was hacked recently with a new board called “Weight Loss”. There were many before/ after pics posted in that board, mainly of women in their underwear. Uh, not my thing so I took care of it. I was inspired from something I DID pin a while ago from Prevention Magazine that is fitness related and thought would be a fun Fitness Challenge.
“Love your lower body!
The newest way to shape up your belly, butt, and thighs without stressing your joints: Flip your workout upside down! These five moves, designed by fitness expert Ellen Barrett, star of Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet Workout DVDs, use one piece of equipment you’re sure to have in your home—a wall. You’ll isolate the tough-to-reach muscles that pull in your belly, lift your backside, and trim your thighs.”
You can catch the rest Natalie Gingerich’s article here.
I am having issues with my left side and know I need to strengthen up the core. Sure it won’t be easy, but hey, its “easy” on the joints and I have 2 weeks I can give it a try! Its something new to me AND 2 weeks isn’t so overwhelming you know? Baby steps people.
Today I start and am sure while I won’t look as fab as this and might be cussing while I work my core, at least I know I am doing something to strengthen it back up.
I mean I don’t expect to look like HER, but nothing ventured nothing gained. I will recap it in 2 weeks. Throwing this challenge out to my readers.
Want to join me for 2 weeks in this workout? What core workouts do you do?
Disclosure: This post is NOT sponsored, I am just trying to find ways to whittle the middle with diet and exercise. AND remember, when starting a new exercise regimen check with your doc.
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Way to go turning something crappy like getting hacked into a positive. I will check it out too. I sure could use a stronger core.
Yeah…a whole board. Wtih just before/after panties. Whatever……did make me see the pin though from Prevention… thanks hacker!
Thanks for the reminder! I actually pinned that too, a long time ago. I did it a little bit and I really liked it.
Def easy on the old knees…..though I was tired when done!
I saw the pins but thought you just got really motivated. LOL Sorry!
INspired by panties…..meh not really LOL.
Hey, I’m game! I’ll try it, too!
It can’t hurt….right??????? LOL.
I need to check this out too!!!
I will let you know how it goes…..hoping its not horrible LOL
I kept seeing those pins on my main page and they were all from someone who I didn’t think spent quite that much time on pinterest. I thought it might be a hack. I might try your plan. Can’t wait to hear how it works our for you!
I will let you know how I do – hey only 13 more days . Apparently its going around!
I’m game! I will take a look!
It can’t be bad right? Since its easy on the joints LOL
Way to go, Julie!
Hey I gotta do something….my selfies are looking sad. 🙂