Yep, lots of people are over it. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Celebrities, kids, parents – everyone is doing it and why? To raise awareness and as a fundraiser for ALS Association research to find a cure for this horrible disease.
The challenge involves people getting doused with buckets of ice water on video, posting that video to social media, then nominating others to do the same, all in an effort to raise ALS awareness – a disease known also as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Those who refuse to take the challenge are asked to make a donation to the ALS charity of their choice.
Asked if I wanted to do the challenge, I said no thanks – up to my ears in fundraising right now with my TNT Leukemia Lymphoma Society Fundraiser. The next day my daughter was challenged with such a cute video from her cousin, I had a change of heart. We made our own video with mini me getting drenched and passed along the word to help fight ALS. She was so excited to make the video, we had fun together. She also asked lots of questions about why we were doing it and ALS. She learned something and loved watching HER challengees and friends videos. My donation was in memory of my friend Joseph’s wife Elaine who died of ALS a few years ago at my age.
Amidst complaints of wasting water or the fact dumping a bucket of ice water has nothing to do with donating to charity and various other complaints from the #IceBucketChallenge naysayers, as the videos continue to pile in I find myself smiling about ALS and the out-POURING of support – see what I did there?
Dave Grohl re-enacts Carries prom scene, Ben Affleck pulls Mrs A in the pool after she dumped him with their kids heard laughing in the background, Larry the Cable Guy Urges us to Git Ur Done, George W dumps and challenges Bill Clinton as a birthday present and Charlie Sheen dumps a bucket of cold cash. Families are dumping buckets together, kids are learning about ALS and disease and compassion and charity. The ALS website has some great videos of “see who is dumping”.
Dear naysayers I ask, please CHILL OUT – see I did something again? Yes, we are privileged to live in a society that embraces free speech and we all have our opinions, but it truly saddens me that something done out of hope for those with ALS in some cases has turned into criticism with motive, contempt and questions the true charity of others. Each time a person is challenged, its a call to just DO SOMETHING. Give money, participate in the ice, don’t participate, talk about it, educate yourself, it doesn’t matter. This movement is about finding a cure for a disease where you watch your loved one slowly lose ability to control the body.
August is a hard month for me emotionally. These videos are making me smile and giving me hope and lifting my spirits in so many ways.
We want to help others and this is something easy to do. Its been clogging up our social media, how can you say “No”. We don’t all have time to volunteer or speak on behalf of a cause, but we can donate to the causes of our choice. We all have our followers and can help spread the message that help is needed. When asked to help a cause or spread the word people DO step up.
2. People like to have fun.
Videos showing people being silly and creative. People are laughing at themselves when done and reaction to cold water dump. We live in an often cruel and violent world and I think we can all use some smiles and laughs. We are doing this because its fun – that is OK by me.
3. People are being brought together.
While many people are just learning of the extremely sad nature of ALS, its amazing how no matter who you are, you can help raise awareness – just like mega media mogels Oprah, Justin Timberlake and Tyler Perry. Families are dumping together to help spread the word. Friends are having fun challenging friends for one single cause.
4. The power of Social Media and potential for good.
Sure we are inundated with the selfies and fish lip poses, cats, family photos, food photos and #Sponsored ads. We all have narcissistic friends sharing everything they are doing, eating or where they are and at all times. This Ice Bucket Challenge has raised over $31.5 million dollars for ALS Association to date, much needed as the National Institutes of Health continues to cut funding for research in this and other diseases. With all the complaints about seeing so many videos on feed, isn’t it nice its for good cause.
5. One person Can Make a Difference.
Diagnosed at 27, college athlete Pete Frates decided to do what he could to make a difference in the fight against ALS to find a cure. This ESPN video shares his story and the origins of the Ice Bucket Challenge. It is most definitely worth a watch and you probably want to have some tissues handy.
Origins of the Ice Bucket Challenge
And for the naysayers about the water thing, I would like to share something personal that will gross some people out. We had a severe drought here in Georgia years ago and we were not flushing our toilets every time used to conserve water. We have continued that practice, while I do apologize if my dumping of icewater has offended, please know we make up for it with our toilet use. See you never know about people and what they do, so no need to judge. Angry about unnecessary water usage, do something to conserve and support conservation efforts.
Naysayers, remember this too shall pass. Something else will come along to annoy our social media feeds sure enough.
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Share your thoughts on the Ice Bucket Challenge? Did you dump? Who has been your favorite Video so far?
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You nailed it Julie!!
I took the soak and donated, and I swear I am still cold after.
I think what gets me is there is so many people who are trying to focus on the negative that is in the air. They are picking fights about all the depressing news. They dont care that this is such an amazing positive thing that has raised like 35 million dollars. The bickering has made it so I dont want to log into facebook because all I hear is #%@#@ about it and how stupid it is
Bonnie recently posted…ZRP Takes on the Ice Bucket Challenge Haters and the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Thanks Bonnie! I know, its sad people want to be negative about this to me…I mean we can all disagree about SO much else LOL. Appreciate your kinds words and yeah, some days I am NOT a fan of social media with all the bickering!
Great post – as always! Yes I dumped and donated! We are in a drought too and maybe I should have pulled a Charlie Sheen!
Smitha @RunningwithSDMom recently posted…Shoes, Shakeout, Hula Recap, Flip Belt Review and Discount Code
Smitha, just don’t flush your toilet after you go um #1 a couple of times and its all good! I like what Charlie did, but no need telling us how much you donated….charity is in the heart! I am about to post my Flip Belt review, so I am holding off reading your post until I am done LOL. Thanks for your kind words!
Ha!!! I wrote an almost identical post (live at midnight) without reading this. We really are #BRF
Patty recently posted…When Do You Need New Shoes? mino Knows
Hysterical….but lots of people thinking the same thing!
I love this post. SO very much. Thank you for sharing your take on all of this. We’re in agreement.
And oh, how I hate that elf! 😉
Andrea B (@goodgirlgonered) recently posted…Butternut Summer, Mary McNear ~ Book review
LOL at the Elf, I am guilty of posting pics too, but ours is a calm elf – dare I say a lazy one who doesn’t move. Seeing conflict on this challenge makes me shake my head in “can’t we all just get along” fashion. I had to say something. Thanks for your kind words.
Julie @RunWalkFastpass recently posted…What I Learned From The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge