LIVE FROM THE DUNGEON OF MY HOUSE….., OK I kid I kid, its our basement…its LAUNDRY TIME! I have no idea how our family of 3 goes through so much laundry, but hey its summer in the south. With all our activities this time of year: swim team, hikes, playground time, arts, crafts and anything […]
Cheerios to a Better Breakfast
You know the most important meal of the day is breakfast right? Yeah, me too. But somehow in my life it seems like I can find myself at lunch thinking, “I never ate anything this morning” at which point I am starving and if out I tend to lately make bad choices. I notice the […]
Drop Your Pants For Underwareness Movement
Thank you to Depend for sponsoring today’s post about the #DropYourPants for #Underwareness Movement. Last week I had someone joke about me needing Depend underwear because I was turning 50. While I snickered it off :”Yeah, Good One”, I thought, “You know after 2 pregnancies – hello, things HAVE different in that department.” Lets just […]